Title of Works

The Kanmon Area {Mojiko Retro District} Night Landscape

Organizer / Architect

Organizer : Kitakyusyu City
Co-designer of the night Landscape : APL Associates Inc.



Fukuoka Kyushu Region




City-Planning, Cityscape


The basic policies of our three-year night landscape plan are the following 4 points.
(1) The night landscape should be planned in cooperation with Shimonoseki City across the Kanmon Straits and have a synergistic effect in both cities, (2) The night landscape plan should enhance the appeal of the Mojiko Retro District as a whole and contribute to the community renovation, (3) In deciding the lighting methods, the purpose of the past designs should be kept in mind, but well-balanced methods going ahead of the time should be developed, and (4) Cost reduction and appropriate construction method should be examined.
As the first year, we designed the lighting plan for the Mojiko Station building (interior and exterior), and the station square. Other than this, in "the Marine Gate Moji”, the port for the ferries connecting the Shimonoseki City and the Mojko, we indirectly illuminated the second floor ceilings of the building, so that the building will be identified from a long distance. In addition, we designed warm and glare-less lighting for the tents and the square of “the Mojiko Retro Central Square” where outdoor concerts are held, the restored tiled walls of “the Mojiko Retro Parking”, and “the Chinzeibashi Park.” This improvement of the lighting environment surely provided comfortable places for the local citizens, as well as contributed to create the main sightseeing route at night in the Mojiko District.