Title of Works

Museum of Modern Art, Saitama

Organizer / Architect

Museum of Modern Art, Saitama


1997 IES/Award of Merit


Saitama Kanto Region




An Art Gallery, Museum


The MOMA, Saitama's facade is designed based on a series of twenty-five grid modules and grid structural members. They are uniquely original of this building since it was constructed fifteen years ago.

Our scope of work is to manifest the grid design without interfering with structural elements of the building. Fiber glass cables which are suitable for this purpose due to their versatile nature, are mounted at four places on each grid modules, upper-side and both sides to illuminate dimly. The cables are mounted in ducts of grid structural membranes.

Lighting sources, mounted at top of the buildings so that they are easily maintained, are supplied with twenty-five 150 Watt metal-halide lamps through fiber glass cables.

They supply four cables each and are controlled by hundred-circuited computer system. The illumination, sensitive to the season and the time, was made only possible by the use of fiber glass cables.