2017/11/09 |
IALD November Board Meeting in Tokyo
"IALD November Board Meeting in Tokyo and exchange meeting with IALD Japan members were successfully held. Reiko Chikada, the Director of IALD (International Association of Lighting Designers), proposed this first IALD Board Meeting held overseas.
The Board Meeting was held by IALD headquarters on November 9 and 10. And exchange meeting for the IALD Directors and IALD Japan Directors followed on November 11. All of the participants (21 from overseas and 13 Directors of IALD Japan) enjoyed the lively exchange of views. In the exchange event of IALD Directors and IALD Japan general members ""Pecha Kucha"" held in the afternoon, we were able to know the source of thought of each other's lighting. Excursion trip to Nara on November 12 and 13 provided a good opportunity for oversea participants to understand Japanese culture."