2021/11/10 |
Enlighten Asia 2021 in Japan
Reiko Chikada was involved in the overall event planning as a planning committee member of the 5th international conference Enlighten Asia 2021 in Japan sponsored by the Japan International Association of Lighting Designers. Enlighten Asia 2021 in Japan was held online (ZOOM) on the platform and consists of two contents, Pre-Event (pre-delivery) and Conference.
Reiko Chikada introduced the city lighting of Kanazawa with a documentary touch video at the Pre-Event "Discovery of Lighting design-City changes" which was delivered every Friday from 19:00 on October 1st.
At the conference
November 10: Reiko Chikada participated as a moderator in the panel discussion "What are Asian Creators aiming for After Covid-19".
November 11: Reiko Chikada gave the opening remarks at the Conference.