2022/10/26 |
Lighting Seminar & Night Tour
Organized by: Hokuriku Branch of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan, free of charge
Place: Kanazawa Chamber of Commerce and Industry 1F Hall
Seminar: 13:30-15:30, Part 1 "Recent Environmental Planning and Lighting" by Mr. Yoshifumi Sakaguchi, Part 2 "What is Kanazawa-ness" by Ms. Reiko Chikada
Night Tour: 16:00-19:30, Kanazawa Lighting Facilities with Reiko Chikada
Reiko Chikada gave a lighting seminar on the theme of "What is Kanazawa-ness," and then accompanied the group on a night tour of Kanazawa's lighting facilities (Kanazawa Port, Cruise Terminal, National Crafts Center, etc.) to explain her design approach. The National Crafts Center, which was visited during the night tour, was very interesting to see the new and old lighting of the National Crafts Center using LEDs at the same time as the Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of History, which started lighting up with high-pressure sodium lamps 30 years ago, which stands right next to the museum.