Prismatic Cube serves as a rain shelter which envelopes the elevator shaft and covers the staircase between the square and the bike parking area.
There had been a plan to have a facility. However, as no concrete design was ever made that would keep in harmony with surrounding landscape, the place was left without a permanent installation for a long time. Considering that the place is the center of the night scene, Kawaguchi City eventually decided to ask a lighting designer to design a sculpture-like light monument. With this new monument, we placed emphasis on a sense of transparency by using clear glass and tension truss not to have it look heavy and bulky.
Lighting was designed on the concept of "light flooding from inside." By lighting the structure, soft indirect light illuminates both the stairwell and the square. The light sources used are 12V 75W clear halogen lamps and 12V 50W blue and red color dichroic halogen lamps. The direct light over the bright silver finish of the steel frame, the tension truss and the stainless wire reflects off the glass surface producing a feeling of infinity.
It informs people of time by gradually changing its color from blue to red every hour. As the night wears on, the brightness of the light slowly diminishes until it is turned off at midnight.