2020/03/07 |
Kanmon Area (Mojiko Retro Area) Night Lighting Part 2
Following the construction of the night scene at Mojiko Station completed in March of last year, the night scene lighting in the Mojiko retro district, part 2 was completed (In charge of Lighting Design : Takanaga , Organizer: Kitakyushu city, Co-designer of the night landscape: APL associates Inc.). The night view of the historic buildings representing Mojiko Port, such as "Mitsui Club", "Osaka Merchant Ship", "Mojiko Customs", etc., has been developed to make it the centerpiece of night tourism in the Mojiko retro district. In addition, the “First Boat Pool” and “Blue-Wing Moji (bridge)”, which tourists always visit for shopping and strolling, are maintained with warm and lively light.